
I'm the crazy goose man who keeps the geese off our neighborhood retention ponds. We put rip-rap around the ponds. It was good to prevent erosion, but it didn't bother the geese. We bought life-like coyote decoys. They had no effect. We hired a service that uses border collies to chase geese off ponds. That worked well, and it was so entertaining. The geese would go into the pond and feel safe. But the dogs wore floats. At a whistle the dogs went into the pond--and the geese would panic. But they would come back. Harassment is a long-term strategy. The dog service was expensive, and far away. They recommended that I use an R/C boat to keep the geese from the ponds. The neighborhood registers annually with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. It's become my job to chase them into the water. Then it's just fun to launch my boat and shoo them from the ponds. They keep me pretty busy during nesting season, but now they seldom stop here otherwise--and when they do I'm ready with my boats.